Command Browser-Tabs (View menu)

In the view menu you will find the command "Browser-Tabs". If you click on that command, a register line will be called up below the browser tool bar. Here, you can save loaded websites in the browser as "browser tabs" so that you can switch easily from one register (browser tab) to another.

How it works:

1. You have loaded a website belonging to a result in your result table in the integrated browser. As you want to visit that site frequently,, you need to save it as browser tab.
2. Click on the command "Browser-Tabs" in the view menu. The command will be automatically marked in the menu as active. Below the browser toolbar a line will be called up to set up new browser tabs.
3. You can see a browser tab with the complete link of the website currently shown in the browser. Aside, you see another empty browser tab marked with a small star. Here you can set up a new browser tab.
4. Click on the empty browser tab. Then click on another line of your result table. Now the website of that result will be loaded in the integrated browser. At the same time, a new browser tab indicating the link of that site will be added to the browser tab line. The empty browser tab moves to the right. The browser tab of the webiste presently shown in the browser is highlighted.
5. Repeat this procedure if you want to set up further browser tabs.
6. If you want to delete a certain browser tab just move your mouse on the respective tab and then click on the right mouse button. A pop-up window with various options will be called up. Click on the command "Delete tab" and the tab will disappear immediately. You can also delete all browser tabs currently shown from that pop-up window (command "Delete all tabs") or hide the browser tab line (command "Hide tabs")

You can also set up a single result as a browser tab, if you click on the right mouse button when your mouse stands in the result table. A context menu with various results will be opened. Here you find the command "Open in new internal browser window". If you click on that command, the link currently marked will be loaded in the integrated browser and at the same time be set up as a browser tab.

You can find further information under:

View Menu
How to set browser-tabs
How to delete browser-tabs